The conference was held on 18 October 2018.

Today a secure communication and data connections are a major requirements for all professional organizations among business and governmental users.

Your current mobile communication is based on commercial grade phones and cell networks operated by global telecommunication companies. They do fantastic job providing you services for voice and access to both Internet and cloud based service in everyday life. However providing security on these platforms is impossible. You have no other choice than running securing solution on these binary delivered mobile operating systems (Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, Blackberry). All these operating systems and hardwares are vectorized by governmental level intel actors and utilized by other unknown rogue groups. Using binary only solutions leaves you in dark when evaluating your speech security on any currently available operating system or software. It's simply impossible. You face exactly the same type of cyber security problems in your computers and their operating systems. Mobile and laptop operating systems are back-doored and vectorized. Also, hardware components and drivers are back-doored. Mobile network security weakness (SS7) exposes all GSM calls and SMSs to intercepting. Meta Data collectors and analysis reveal all communication connections and locations.

We've been doing it differently. For years. Now we are delivering next generation encryption solutions with serious security and total visibility & full control.

In the CORPORATE SECURITY SUMMIT we talked about:


… is a capable software approach for professional business and governmental users. With PriveInfraTM solution you ensure security and privacy in all business and operation critical communication.

…. is a perfect solution to all business users, who need to encrypt and hide their operation or business critical information and communication.

…. provides secure communication for speech, messages, data and documents via closed, privately owned and self administrated encrypted network.

…. can be delivered to the customer as a full turnkey solution. There are neither third party services nor servers you need to trust or use. No clouds or equipment in a third party´s control. You will control everything, and you can evaluate everything, full transparency and security.

…. consists of different hard and software components to select from - PriveHUB server, PriveCall hand-held device, PriveTab tablet, PriveBook laptop.

In PriveInfra solution every closed user group (CUG) can communicate securely with each other with PriveInfraTM devices. A CUG can be established for two to hundreds of users. All communication traffic is routed through PriveHUB.


Today the use of GPS tracers is very popular. They are used to secure your valuables. From key-persons and their family members to the high value goods deliveries. Nothing is worse than a hostile element tracing them too. We have a solution to avoid this. Fully encrypted communication and smart sensors will eliminate interception possibilities of all third parties.

Customers can adjust settings, get movement reports, manual or automatic alarms etc.

TACANO GSM anonymizer is a small embedded unit to protect mobile communication from link analysis and traffic pattern mapping between communication parties. TACANO unit primary usage is in situations where no direct link between two parties should be exposed under any circumstances. TACANO is a perfect tool for witness or source protection.

Encrypted X-MESH RADIO

There are situations where public network services are not available. It can be due cyber attack or just absence of network coverage on sea, mountains, rural places or even underground. With X-MESH radios it is possible to rapidly set up private IP network to ensure smooth operation of mission critical IT solutions and voice communication.